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SEC Municipal Advisor Rule

upcoming authority board meetings

Date:   Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Time:  12:00 p.m. (as a Webex conference call)
Livestream Link:


  1. The meeting will be conducted via Webex and accessible to the public via livestream at the following link:
  2. Portions of this meeting are permitted to be held in closed session in accordance with the General Provisions Article of the Maryland Annotated Code, Title 3 – Open Meetings Act. Authority for the closed session is Section 3-305(b)(1), to discuss (i) the appointment, employment, assignment, promotion, discipline, demotion, compensation, removal, resignation, or performance evaluation of appointees, employees, or officials over whom it has jurisdiction; or (ii) any other personnel matter that affects one or more specific individuals. However, the Authority does not intend to hold a closed session for this meeting.
  3. Agendas are subject to change up to and during the meetings. Agenda changes confirmed up to one day prior to a meeting will be posted in advance of the meeting. Agenda changes occurring subsequent to posting will be reflected in the minutes.

Posted: 1-21-25 at 2:30 p.m.
